
basilica visit! and what it meant to me

  January 31, 2024 Today was the day we visited Little Flower Basilica. I had a conversation with my mom today about all kinds of things. We ended up reflecting on others around us and talking about how sometimes, even though some individuals might be around the Church all the time, they are not necessarily good at heart. So many people use God’s name and His place as a sanctuary for those who want to see Him and use it as a place to commit evil acts. We also wished that resources for the Church were managed better. Nobody should die should they have no shelter from the rain. Visiting this side of town, the side of town I was raised in as well, my heart swells sometimes with sympathy.                                                      Quick pic of the gorgeous alter at Little Flower Basilica

a couple of reflections

What defines loneliness, anyway? It’s difficult to navigate intimate feelings like this so openly and also on your own. I can only hope to tell the story in the future of how I conquered these things, but for now, going through those kinds of motions is particularly a challenge for me. How can I get better? I wonder. I can only hope to push through these difficulties with grace and again, to be kind to myself. These are just some recent thoughts I have been having. a pic from my grandma's garden--it might not be the best picture but it made me smile  when i saw it. it's a place that brings me warm feelings :)

an important day in my life

  March 7th, 2024 Yesterday was surgery day. It went from something that *might* happen if things got really bad to something that was *going to happen* in a rapid manner. . the surgery did go very smoothly. No complications. They warn you so many times of those risks you take, even saying "if you die you can't sue us" and you just kind of have to accept them. You’re already lying down in a hospital gown and that’s your reality now. You put a lot of trust in these doctors even if you’re operation was rather short like mine. You have to have faith that every single precise movement is done right, all while you’re sleeping. It’s terrifying, but I know I didn’t have to be scared. I felt really guided and like I knew a whole lot of pain was going to be over. I’m thankful to those who cared about me and for God allowing a smooth process. silly pic of me hooked up to the IV

how I feel about travelling and spirituality related trips I've taken

                                                                      When I visited the Basilica  Of Our Lady of               San Juan del Valle. A nice picture taken by me of the ofrendas         from this time I really really dislike travelling. I'll say it straight up. I love my house. My friends know I'd usually pick staying at home over anything. I try not to be so unbearable about it and try to visit my family every so often, but multiple days out in a row is a no-go. I think it has its own math equation, like for one day I go out, 2 days at home, 2 days I go out, 4 days at home; etc. All jokes aside, I really do relish in the moments I do go out. I try to live my days and keep my memories by snapping pictures when I think something is particularly remarkable, like a really nice garden, or a mural that I passed by. In this instance, I had come with my parents and grandparents on a long drive to San Juan, TX. I didn't expect much from that day if I'm honest. Thou

Thoughts on art as a method of spiritual expression

For this post, I wanted to express and regard my sentiments regarding what art means to me as well as share my journey with art. This is a painting done by me. The colors are inspired from Flower Crowns you'd find at Fiesta here in San Antonio. I remember there being a few years in a row where I was super excited to get my yearly paper flower crown with the ribbons in the back. I had a growing collection of them back at my old house. The choice to paint daisies was to symbolize a bit more the realistic choice, a choice to live in reality as it is now, and to not be so drawn on nostalgia. I originally painted it in the typical colors of daisies, but the flower crown idea reminded me of my childhood, which I reflected on previously. A more innocent and time i felt more connected to my surroundings, which I'd like to discover the connection between. My own journey with art is fleeting. I of course did little crafts they'd make us do as small children, but I didn't develop

beginnings and now

My Spiritual Journey begins pretty early in my life. I had a typical Catholic Mexican family, and went through all the steps like being baptized as a baby, and having my Communion in 2nd grade as apart of my schoolwork. It actually took up our class time! I was raised in the religion and surrounded by it for a really long time. I went to a small school as well so I had a lot of shelter around myself and my worldview.                                                                                 me (2010) after my first communion! I'll say this fact definitely shapes my current-day journey. A lot of my knowledge to this day is from when I was a kid in my mandatory religion classes at school. Then I kept going to religious schools for middle and high school, and since I'm here at this university, it's technically the only kind of school I have gone to! I am lucky I get to talk to and hear of many different kinds of experiences here. I'd say it's one of my favorite as

An Introduction...

Hello! Here begins my journey, one that will be filled with rigor, joy, and many trials and tribulations. As I'll be becoming a year older, there is much to reflect on myself. and a lot to comment on and grow from. I am hoping to learn a lot, not just about myself but about ways to become a better version of myself. Getting to track my progress will be really helpful in this regard. I tried to find a photo to match every entry and share my memories in a more viewing kind of way rather than just infodump everything. Thank you for reading.